Viso Suite Feature Index

Viso Suite provides a uniquely powerful end to end platform for Computer Vision development, deployment, monitoring and scaling. Explore the list of features.



Core features
  • Cloud-native workspace
  • Fully-managed infrastructure
  • Over 15 end to end products
  • Seamless moving between tools
  • Secure in-browser access
  • 24×5 support
  • Help desk, email support
  • Tailored service levels
  • Usage stats and reports
  • Support access
Professional services
  • Requirement engineering
  • Technical solution review
  • Full solution building
  • Industry expertise, advisory
  • Annotation services
  • Model training services
  • Multiple workspaces
  • Fully isolated tenants
  • Join multiple workspaces
  • Seamless workspace switching
Workspace center
  • Customized home view
  • Modular widgets
  • Systems health
  • Status, usage report
Workspace customization
  • Company logo
  • Color themes
  • Dark/Light mode
  • Translations
  • Model-driven Viso Architecture
  • Managed infrastructure
  • On premises deployment
  • Auto-scaling
  • Load balancing

Data Collection

Core features
  • Video Cloud
  • Centralized cloud storage
  • Edge data collection
  • Collect data from connected devices
  • Multi-camera recording
  • Fleet Edge collection
  • Distributed edge collection
  • Reliable data delivery
  • Store and manage video assets at scale
Video recording
  • Remote recording
  • One-click capturing
  • Recording tags
  • HD recording
  • Automatic processing
Dataset curation
  • Dataset explorer
  • Analyze and visualize datasets
  • Import and export datasets
  • Dynamic search, filter, sort
  • Merge datasets
  • Image uniqueness analysis
  • Find duplicates/near-duplicates
  • Remove duplicate objects
  • Find unique/representative samples
  • Annotation mistake analysis
  • Find and fix label mistakes
  • Identify missed objects
  • Incorrect annotations
  • Localization issues
  • Analyze bad samples
  • Identify data collection scenarios
  • Strengthen data variability
  • Reduce dataset bias
  • Identify training data gaps
Data organization
  • Video manager
  • Advanced filters
  • Data tags
  • Built-in video player
  • Commenting on files
Data integration
  • Video data import
  • MP4
  • AVI
  • MOV
  • Drag-and-drop upload
  • Large files
  • Video transcoding
  • Import hosted videos
  • Cloud import
Automated collection
  • Automated recording
  • Image and video data
  • Scheduling
  • Continuous collection
  • Custom, conditional logic
  • Multi-device support
  • Offline recording
Data administration and security
  • Secure central data repository
  • Zero Trust Application Access
  • Data access control
  • Log user activity
  • Full data visibility and management
  • 256-bit encryption at rest
  • TLS, SSL encryption during transit
  • Manual session timeouts

Data Annotation

Core features
  • Image Labeling
  • Video Annotations
  • Installation-free
  • Import pre-annotations
  • Basic/Advanced usage modes
  • Automatic authentication
Video Annotation
  • Video keyframes, sequences
  • Video annotation timeline
  • Playback speed variation
  • Automatic object tracking across frames
  • Movement tracking
  • Object codification, object ID
  • Video FPS limiting, frame skipping
  • SD, HD, Ultra HD 4K videos
  • Cross-camera sources (IP, CCTV, USB, GoPro, Drones)
Annotation Analysis
  • Assess annotation quality
  • Identify annotation gaps
  • Measure KPIs
  • Annotation distribution
Automated annotation
  • Automatic annotation
  • ML-assisted labeling (semi-automatic)
  • Object predictions, detectors, interactors
  • Backpropagating refinement scheme (BRS)
  • Polygon generation, Mask RCNN, Faster RCNN
  • Deep Extreme Cut
  • High-Resolution Net
  • Inside-Outside-Guidance
  • Deep learning based trackers
  • Active learning
  • Manage Projects
  • Annotation tasks
  • Task management
  • Quality management
  • Role based access control
  • Annotation analytics
Annotation tools
  • 2D bounding box, rectangle
  • 3D object annotation, cuboids
  • Polylines, lines, splines
  • Point annotation, ellipses
  • Keypoint, landmarks, keypoint naming
  • Image classification, image captioning
  • Semantic segmentation
  • Occlusion, background/foreground layering
  • Attribute annotation, tag annotation
  • Shape grouping
  • Action shortcuts
Annotation workforce
  • External/internal annotators
  • Team collaboration tools
  • Assign annotation jobs
  • Labeling services
  • Limited guest roles
  • MS COCO object detection
  • PASCAL VOC segmentation masks
  • YOLO
  • Datumaro
  • LabelMe
  • TFRecord
  • MOT and MOTS
  • Tensorflow object detection API
  • ImageNet
  • CamVid
  • WIDER Face
  • VGG Face2
  • Market-1501
  • ICDAR 13/15
  • Open Images
  • Cityscapes
  • LFW
  • CVAT

Model Training

Core features
  • Manage and train AI models
  • Pre-made training pipelines
  • Custom training pipelines
  • Dedicated GPU, CPU resources
  • Import custom algorithms
  • Train and retrain algorithms
AI model manager
  • AI model library
  • Framework independent
  • Add pre-trained models
  • Add custom models
  • Version control
  • Dependencies
  • Tags and filters
  • Conflict detection
  • Built-in access control
Pre-trained algorithms
  • CPU, GPU, VPU, TPU inferencing
  • Object Detection
  • People Detection
  • Animal Detection
  • Image Classification
  • Visual Inspection
  • Clustering
  • Visual Search
  • Keypoint Detection
  • Pose Estimation
  • Gaze Estimation
  • Hand Pose Estimation
  • Object Pose Estimation
  • Tracking
  • Object Tracking
  • Object Counting
  • People Counting
  • Dwell Time Tracking
  • Activity Analysis
  • Object Segmentation
  • Motion Analysis
  • Activity and motion heatmap
  • Fall detection
  • Posture recognition
  • Anomaly detection
  • Face Analysis
  • Face Detection
  • Face Recognition
  • Emotion Analysis
  • Gender, age analysis
Frameworks and libraries
  • Cross-framework support
  • Custom integration
  • Frameworks
  • TensorFlow 2.0
  • TensorFlow Lite
  • OpenVINO
  • PyTorch
  • Chainer
  • OpenCV
  • OpenPose
  • OpenPifPaf
Model training evaluation
  • Evaluate model performance
  • Model prediction evaluation
  • Regressions
  • Classifications
  • Detections
  • Instance segmentation
  • Semantic segmentation
  • Classification reports
  • Confusion matrices
  • Precision-Recall curves
  • Model accuracy analysis
  • Cluster false positive/low accuracy
  • Render labels on sample images
  • Interactive plots
  • Anomalies: Find anomalous training data
  • Mistakes: Detect incorrect prediction patterns
  • Hardness: Mine hard samples
  • Unsupervised data pre-annotation
  • Identify scenarios that require more training data
  • Continuous MLOps
  • Strengthen dataset robustness
  • Reduce annotation mistakes
  • Data collection strategies
Training environments
  • Automated infrastructure
  • Multiple training environments
  • Auto-scaling infrastructure
  • Automatic authentication
  • One click creation
  • Pause and resume
Ready-made environments
  • Jupyter environments
  • Pytorch
  • TensorFlow 2
  • TensorFlow Lite
  • OpenVINO
  • JupyterLab Base
  • Conda virtual environments
  • Custom Viso JupyterLab Images
  • Pillow
  • lxml
  • Cython
  • Jupyter
  • Matplotlib
  • Pandas
  • OpenCV Python
  • Training and retraining
  • OpenPifPaf
  • DeepFace
  • MediaPipe
  • Keras
  • Caffe
Data Augmentation
  • ML image augmentation
  • Augmentation environments
  • Debug augmented images
  • Image load and augment
  • Multicore Augmentation
  • Augment Keypoints (Landmarks)
  • Augment Bounding Boxes
  • Augment Polygons
  • Augment Line Strings
  • Augment Heatmaps
  • Augment Segmentation Maps
  • Probability distribution parameters
  • Stochastic & deterministic Augmentation
  • Copy-Paste augmentation
  • Multiple Augmentation Sequences
Augmentation capabilities
  • Add noise, invert, compression
  • Cutout, dropout, replace
  • Blend alpha, mask, grid
  • Gaussian blur, motion blur
  • Color, brightness, saturation, hue
  • Contrast, gamma, histogram
  • Convolve, sharpen
  • Edge detector, emboss
  • Flipping, mirroring, rotation
  • Shifting, scaling, distortion, jigsaw
  • Auto-contrast, enhancing, solarize
  • Corruption: defocus, zoom-blur, pixelate
  • Pooling: average, min, max median
  • Segmentation: superpixels, voronoi
  • Resize, cropping, crop and pad
  • Weather: clouds, fog, frost, snow, rain
  • Combine augmenters
  • Sequential combination
  • Randomize
  • Shuffle, p-percent

Application Development

Core features
  • Computer vision Applications
  • Build flows with modules
  • Swap modules and AI models
  • Hardware-software independent
  • Cross-platform portability
  • Scalable by design
Application Editor
  • Collaborative development
  • Visual development editor
  • Drag-and-drop flows
  • Visual configuration
  • Application Library
  • Advanced filters, tags
  • Template manager
  • Custom templates
  • Clone applications
  • Export applications
  • Import applications
  • Auto dependency manager
  • Cross-workspace sharing
  • Semantic version control
  • One-click roll backs
  • User activity logs
  • Module library
  • Pre-built Viso modules
  • Module auto-installer
  • Custom modules (SDK)
  • Container manager
  • Custom containers
  • Version control
  • Update management
  • Visual configuration
  • Live camera: IP, CCTV, USB, etc.
  • Web stream: WebRTC, RTSP, etc.
  • Virtual cameras
  • Externally hosted videos (Youtube, Vimeo, etc.)
  • External data storage, s3 etc.
  • Video data manager
  • Multi stream input
  • Image processing
Image pre-processing
  • Image coloring, sharpening
  • Distortion correction, de-warping
  • Region of Interest (ROI)
  • Multi-regions of Interest
  • Area including, excluding
  • Complex ROI polygons
  • Image grid sections
  • High-performance AI vision
  • Low latency edge computing
  • Cloud, hybrid: Virtualized edge
  • Process on CPU, GPU, TPU, VPU
  • Stack processors (e.g. multi-GPU)
  • Combine processors (e.g. CPU+GPU)
  • Frame buffer, frame-store
  • Multi-threading, parallel processing
  • Batch processing
  • Dynamic buffering
  • Workload orchestration
  • Edge load balancing
  • Offline support
  • Privacy-preserving AI
Computer vision
  • Drop-down AI model select
  • AI model library integration
  • One-click swap AI models
  • Key Viso Modules
  • Object Detection
  • Image Segmentation
  • Video Recognition
  • Image Classification
  • Group Key Points
  • Movement Analysis
  • Posture Analysis
  • Object Counting
  • Fall Detection
  • Object Tracking
  • Motion, visual flow
  • 3D Keypoint detection
  • Face analysis
  • Face recognition
  • Text recognition (OCR)
  • Barcode reader
System integration
  • Custom logic flows
  • Code snippets (JS, Python)
  • Custom Module SDK
  • Add docker containers
  • Open API support
  • HTTP and MQTT
  • External databases


Core features
  • Automated deployment
  • Run AI vision at the edge
  • Unified endpoint manager
  • Automated deployment
  • Scale distributed systems
  • Isolated, hardened endpoints
  • Edge AI Computer Vision
Device management
  • Edge devices
  • Virtual devices (hybrid)
  • Simple management
  • Device attributes
  • Device group tags
  • Advanced filters
  • Device authentication
  • Ruggedized Edge
Computer Vision OS
  • Computer vision optimized OS
  • Active and passive protection
  • Remote updating
  • Create and manage OS images
  • Automated OS installation
Device lifecycle
    • Hardened Operating System
    • Multi-architecture OS support
    • Device type manager
    • No-code enrollment
    • Automated provisioning
    • Remote enrollment
    • Disconnected Edge
    • Device status, events
    • Securely retire devices
Edge Machine Learning
    • Physical and virtual devices
    • Local vision processing
    • Cross-platform Edge AI
    • Generic computing devices x86
    • Intel NUC amd64
    • Up Board amd64
    • Server and MEC support
    • AWS AMI
    • Processor agnostic
    • Central Processing Unit (CPU)
    • Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)
    • Vision Processing Unit (VPU)
    • Tensor Processing Unit (TPU)
    • Multi-Processor computing
Automated deployment
    • Deployment profiles
    • One-click deployment
    • Release orchestration
    • Automated pipelines
    • Impact analysis
    • Fail-safe automation
    • Roll-back tools
    • OTA updating
    • Disconnected Edge
  • Remote stream view
  • Output preview stream
  • Multi stream grid
  • Secure preview timeout
  • Remote control, reboot
  • Live analytics dashboard
  • Real-time and historical
  • Drill-down, dynamic charts
  • Hardware: CPU, GPU, threads
  • Network: Bandwidth, bit-rate
  • Storage, containers
  • Deployment analytics
  • Edge Load Balancing
  • Configuration Manager
  • Zero trust SSH terminal
  • Automated health scan
Device fleets
  • Fleet management
  • Multi-platform fleet
  • Mass device enrollment
  • Bulk deployment
  • Separated environments
  • Automated diagnosis
  • Scheduled health scans
  • Cloud device twin
  • Active edge defender
  • Secure erasure
  • Theft protection, remote wipe
  • Protected app and model
  • Identity management
  • Encryption at rest and in transit
  • Authentication, authorization
  • Multi-level access control


Core features
  • Cloud-Edge distributed AI vision
  • Fully managed infrastructure
  • Real-time applications
  • High-performance time series
  • Elastic, robust auto-scaling
Distributed Edge
  • Always-on computer vision
  • Edge device fleet integration
  • On-device AI processing
  • Edge-cloud communication
  • Low-latency processing
Time series
  • Managed time series database
  • Scalable, large data volumes
  • Real-time events
  • Critical stateful data
  • Custom metrics
Edge agent
  • Automated collection
  • Custom Formatting
  • Metrics aggregation
  • Writing edge metrics
  • Flexible storage, retention
  • In-memory buffering
Edge Gateway
  • Integrated Edge Gateway
  • Automated initialization
  • Synchronization
  • Message Broker
  • MQTT V3.1, V5.0 Support
Robust connectivity
  • Full streaming support
  • Store and forward
  • Structured, unstructured data
  • Operate online or offline
  • Robust delivery guarantees
  • Auto scheduler
  • Clock-drift adjustment
  • Analytics tool connectors
Security and privacy
  • Private data processing
  • Anonymous metrics
  • Secure 2-way communication
  • Enforced SSL, TLS encryption
  • Secure Edge Tunneling (VPN)
  • Cloud-based authentication
  • Managed users, permissions
  • Edge on-disk encryption


Core features
  • Unified observability
  • End-to-end stack
  • Application monitoring
  • Real-time analytics
  • Historical data analytics
Fully managed analytics
  • No servers to manage
  • Auto-scaling infrastructure
  • High-availability
  • Security built-in
Unified observability
  • Application metrics monitoring
  • Federated aggregation across devices
  • Edge device dashboard
  • Health monitoring dashboard
Data integration
  • Automated data connectors
  • Live data streaming
  • Historical data synchronization
  • Dynamic data filters
  • Custom data query builder
  • Alert notifications
Data visualization
  • Unlimited dashboards
  • Pre-built dashboards
  • Ready-made widgets
  • Graphs
  • Bars
  • Gauges
  • Heatmaps
  • Maps
  • Tables
  • Cards
  • Custom widgets
  • Layer, segment data points
  • Interactive panels
  • Drill-down explore data
Team collaboration
  • Shared dashboards
  • Real-time view and editing
  • Version control
  • Team troubleshooting
  • External dashboard sharing
  • User authentication, authorization
  • Automated database connectors
  • Auto-encryption of data at rest
  • Data in transit encryption (TLS)


Core features
  • Application maintenance
  • Configure applications at scale
  • MLOps capabilities
Application maintenance
  • Maintain applications in production
  • Release application updates
  • OTA update delivery
  • Staged roll-outs
MLOps capabilities
  • Continuous model training
  • Model evaluation and optimization
  • Model catalog, versioning
  • Automated model deployment
  • Swap and replace models
  • User authentication and authorization
  • Seamless team collaboration
  • User activity log
  • Configuration profiles
  • Manage configurations
  • Visual configuration editor
  • Set processing parameters
  • One-click deployment
  • Config version control
  • Configuration recovery, roll-back
  • Draft changes
Diagnose and troubleshoot
  • Notification center
  • System alerts
  • Client-less remote control
  • Remote system health scanning
  • Automated issue detection
  • Identify defect hardware
  • Remote command execution
  • Monitor endpoint resources
  • Disaster Recovery

Security and Privacy

Core features
  • End-to-end security stack
  • Centralized data/asset protection
  • Zero Trust Security
  • Distributed Edge Security
  • AWS infrastructure security
  • GDPR compliant
  • ISO27001 compliant
  • SOC 2 Type 2 compliant
  • GDPR compliant computer vision
  • No video transfer/storage (Edge AI)
  • Fully autonomous applications
  • Zero Trust Live View restriction
  • Anonymization
  • Metrics output
  • Blurring, Pixelation
  • Area blocking
  • Disable visual output
  • Needs-to-see permission access
  • Separate environments
  • Stream auto timeout
  • Auditable, transparent data flows
Operational security at
  • Adherence to control frameworks
  • Risk management program
  • Background checks of employees
  • Security and privacy awareness training
  • Least privilege, separation of duties
  • Need-to-know access for information
  • Secure software development lifecycle
  • Separation of environments
  • Monitoring and alerting for events
  • Regular control assessments
  • Regular vulnerability scans
  • Comprehensive penetration tests
  • Risk-based prioritization of vulnerabilities
  • Malicious software protection
  • Data loss prevention
  • Incident management planning and testing
  • Business continuity, disaster recovery
  • Capacity and resource planning
  • Secure corporate networks, SDP
Unified security
  • User management
  • Invitation manager
  • RBAC Authorization
  • Identity Management (users, devices)
  • Custom user roles, teams
  • Granular access restriction
  • Invitation management
  • Multi-factor authentication (MFA)
  • Log and trace activities
  • Active Edge defender scanning
  • Loss protection, auto wiping
  • Active model protection
  • Secure remote edge access
  • SSH Zero Trust Security
Policies and compliance
  • Password policies
  • Session policies
  • Pre-built password policies
  • Enforce password strength
  • Enforcing MFA
Application security
  • Zero-Trust Application Access
  • Multi-layer security
  • Dependency scanning
  • Container vulnerability scans
  • API authentication
  • Authentication policies
  • Data validation
  • Encryption at rest and in transit
  • Audit logging
  • Hosted platform security
  • Infrastructure as code (IaC)
  • Logical content separation
  • Man-in-the-middle prevention
  • Role-based authorization
  • Secure credential storage
  • Session policies
  • Download prevention
Data security
  • Encryption at rest (AES-256)
  • Encryption in transit (SHA-256, RSA 2048)
  • Secure virtual private clouds (VPC)
  • Secure virtual private networks (VPN)
  • Server hardening at the Edge
  • PFS encryption

Have any questions or ready to get started? Reach out to your representative or contact our sales team.